Pre-Prep Parents' Handbook 2023-24

Homework From the first week, children will be expected to read daily at home and new reading packs will be provided on a regular basis. At the end of each week, three pieces of homework will be put into book bags to be returned by the following Thursday. A Maths activity or game will be in the Maths folder. The sounds learned during the week and activities to reinforce this, will be in the Phonics folder. Also, there will be the ‘red word’ spellings to be reviewed for a weekly test. In addition, we provide special research projects each term which give the children an opportunity to explore a new topic and teach their class through a presentation. Reporting There are two structured parents’ evenings during the academic year, plus the option of an additional parents’ evening in the Summer term. Additionally, reports with next steps for learning are sent at the end of the Autumn and Summer terms. Any concerns you have should be raised with your class teacher in the first instance and Linda thereafter. Homework and reporting: Years 1 and 2 Page 15