Pre-Prep Parents' Handbook 2023-24

Curriculum Years 1 & 2 are part of Key Stage 1 and follow the National Curriculum requirements for this age group. There are some subjects that are taught independently in order to reach the necessary objectives. However, we also teach a creative curriculum which is more topic based, where several objectives are achieved within one activity. This helps to encourage children to be independent learners in an age appropriate way. A general weekly lesson breakdown looks something like this: English – min 14 lessons includes creative writing, Read Write Inc. Phonics, spelling, story time, library, handwriting, reading carousel and show and tell (class teacher) Maths – 7 lessons, mental maths, topic focus and problem-solving (class teacher) Science – 2 lessons - wherever possible this links with our topic focus (specialist teacher) Sport – 5 lessons, one double Games, one double PE and a weekly swimming lesson (specialist teacher) Music – 1 lesson and 1 Singing lesson (specialist teacher) ICT – 1 lesson - wherever possible this links with our topic focus (specialist teacher) Creative – 4 lessons (class teacher) Including Art and Design Technology, Drama and Enrichment Humanities – 2 lessons (class teacher) Including Geography and History Religious Education – 1 lesson (class teacher) French – 1 lesson PSHCE – 1 lesson (class teacher) 1 lesson Pre-Prep Assembly Forest School – alternates weekly (qualified forest school leader) Academic: Years 1 and 2 Page 13 Assessment A combination of formal and informal assessment enables teachers to identify a child’s progress in each area of the curriculum and thereby determine the next stage of their learning. Phonics Workshops for parents will be offered early in the Autumn term to show how we teach Phonics and what you can do to support your child. Red word spellings are taught separately (high frequency words).