Abingdon News No. 62

Abingdon News www.abingdon.org.uk 7 Translation workshop In October, 6th Form pupils studying French took part in an informative and engaging translation workshop with Dr Jennifer Higgins, a professional translator of fiction and literary non-fiction. Her work includes ‘The Photographer of Auschwitz’, translated from Italian, and ‘Faces on the Tip of my Tongue’ by Emmanuelle Pagano, translated from French. The pupils worked in groups to translate a range of short texts from French into English, starting with the cartoon ‘Astérix’ and moving on to excerpts from Camus’ ‘L’Étranger’ and Pagano’s ‘L’Absence d’oiseaux d’eau’. The pupils certainly enjoyed using their language skills and creativity, and there was lively discussion around the challenges of translation. Getting into the Festive Swing Christmas got into full swing towards the end of term with visits from the 3rd Year Community Music Group and the Abingdon Academicals to Albert Lodge and, from the latter, to the Abingdon Community hospital too! The groups and their festive performances were well received and very much appreciated. Art that moves one Last term, the Art Department set a photography competition to depict the theme of ‘Movement’ and a selection of the entries will be enlarged and displayed across School. Leon Harris Max Sheriff Russell Cespedes Head of Art, Mr Williamson, said “the students really excelled themselves producing very professional and imaginative ideas, so much so, that one can almost hear the sound of movement within the images. Very many congratulations to all those who took part”.