Abingdon News No. 62

www.abingdon.org.uk 25 Welcome to ASPA We welcome 2 new members to ASPA – thank you for your time and energy. Ci Sun I would like to be more involved with Abingdon where my son, Ariston, will be spending a large part of his life for the next few years, learning, growing, and making friends. In doing so, I hope to contribute to a robust school environment. Many thanks and I hope to meet you in person soon! Ellis Payne Father of Sener, 1st Year. Having been involved with the Parent Association (PA) in my son’s previous school, I know how useful - and social - the PA can be, so I am looking forward to contributing to some fun events and activities over the coming years! Abingdon News Connecting parents, supporting school life It hardly seems possible that we are already past Christmas and into the New Year! For those with children in exam years, the Lent term brings on mocks and other delights, as well as subject choices for future years. As parents, it can be helpful to have some moral support and be able to swap notes with others going through similar experiences. Last term, ASPA hosted 3 cheese and wine evenings for Lower School, 3rd and 4th Year parents, with the intention of bringing together those with children in different Houses and forms. Those who attended thoroughly enjoyed the evenings and each had a good buzz about it. There’s lots to look forward to for the rest of the year and I look forward to meeting many of you at our future events. In the Summer term, we will also be holding our AGM and if you would like to be more actively involved, please do contact me and volunteer! ASPA only exists for parents, because of parents. Best wishes, Richard Richard Stone, Chair of ASPA Vacancies If you would like to join the ASPA committee we are looking for enthusiastic members. Please do get in touch via [email protected] Cheese and Wine Lower School, 3rd and 4th Year parents came together in November for our cheese and wine socials. Guests were greeted with a glass of fizz from Hendred Vineyard and were able to speak to other parents they may not have previously met in person. Our catering company, Sodexo, laid on a lovely selection of cheese and wine which made for a very enjoyable evening. Thank you to the parents who attended and, for those that couldn’t make it this time, we’ll do them again next year! “It was lovely to be able to meet so many parents from my son’s year and enjoy a midweek glass of wine - it was a very relaxing and enjoyable evening.” – 4th Year parent “ ” ASPA contribution to CCF In 20/21, ASPA made a contribution of £2,000 to the CCF for a canopy. This is no longer feasible so, instead, it has been proposed the funds are put towards the renovation of the Remembrance Garden wall, which is situated outside the CCF HQ. This will include the purchase of two 6ft Tommy metal figurines, aligning the paving stones with the initials of OAs, embedding a scroll of honour into the stonework and buying steel stemmed permanent poppies to place into the garden which will be highlighted with suitable lighting. Thank you Captain Edwards for such a lovely plan, we can’t wait to see the before and after photographs. “ ” Future events - save the date! 3 March – Quiz Night: details will be included in the weekly newsletter, with booking via school box office. 20 May – Fundraising Event: details to follow.