Abingdon News No. 62

22 January 2023 Abingdon Prep In September, Year 1 took part in a series of team building challenges including operating land skis and crossing a ‘lava pool’ with planks, crates and tyres at a fun day exploring at Hill End! One of the highlights was learning how to use a flint and steel to make sparks to light their own mini fires. It was certainly worth the effort as they then toasted marshmallows to make delicious, sticky smores and by singing some wonderfully funny campfire songs. Team building and perseverance Opening of new facilities It was an exciting start to the new academic year with the official opening of the Prep’s state-of-the-art music school, dedicated DT workshop, 2nd Science lab and new classrooms by Chair of Governors and OA, Professor Michael Stevens. The construction of this exciting new building has enabled rooms within the existing school to be repurposed and renovated - including the creation of a new, double height library situated in the very heart of the school and a bespoke Pre-Prep hub. Headmaster, Craig, says: “We are passionate about ensuring our students and staff have fit for purpose facilities which will help them to succeed academically and support them pastorally in our ever changing world.” Let the punishment fit the crime The Year 4 pupils found out about Crime and Punishment last term, exploring how it has changed through the ages. The topic culminated in a visit to Oxford Castle, where the students looked at how punishments had changed through time and where they were able to handle artefacts. They also had a guided tour of the castle and prison. The class was intrigued by the story of Mary Blandy, who was accused of poisoning her father in the 18th Century. The children put Mary on trial, taking on the various roles of the courtroom. After heated debate, the children found Mary NOT guilty of her crimes. Fun trip out In the Autumn, Reception visited Cogges Farm. The children made their own pots, planted corn seed, threshed the corn, ground it into flour and then made bread in the old Victorian kitchen. They went on a hunt for eggs and took part in the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’, learning about how important collaboration and helping others can be! After a picnic lunch, they explored the farm meeting a variety of animals, before having some time in the exciting adventure playground. Everyone felt very sleepy on the way home! Woodworking together This term in DT, Year 3 having been looking at pneumatics and, using the fantastic facilities in the new dedicated DT workshop, have designed and made their very own moving monsters! They have also used woodworking tools to create pen pots. Well done Year 3 - what a creative lot you are!