Abingdon News No. 62

2 January 2023 After two years’ hiatus, it was back… Yes, October 2022 saw the return of House Singing, much to the delight of everyone, except perhaps the Housemasters who had a mere handful of rehearsals to turn discord into harmony before Houses performed their chosen songs on the Amey Theatre stage. We were treated with a high-calibre edition of what in non-pandemic years is a mainstay in the House programme. It is a wonderful way to build a sense of team spirit in each House and it offers an extraordinary leadership challenge to those students who step forward to conduct or accompany their House. It’s always entertaining to hear which songs are believed to be suitable for the House Singing treatment and this year we were treated to some high-energy and surprisingly harmonious renditions. The House is a key unit within the School, not just for the purposes of popular events like inter-house sports competitions or the Road Relay but, most importantly, as they provide smaller pastoral units, broken up further into tutor groups, that ensure our students get the individual attention that they need and deserve. The House rooms ensure that students of different ages can socialise and work together, providing a platform for friendships across the year group divide. Our younger students can benefit from seeing their older counterparts go through the experiences that await them while our 6th Form Peer Support Leads actively share guidance and ideas on a wide range of topics with their younger peers. So, although it’s some time off, I look forward to seeing all our Houses in perfect harmony next time House Singing comes round… Abingdon News Message from the Headmaster Long live the King At 11am on 15 September, Abingdon’s 6th Form CCF students stood to attention, lowering the colours for a moment of remembrance for Her late Majesty; and as a symbol of allegiance to His Majesty, the King. The Abingdon School community came together to watch and hear the School bell toll 70 times - one toll for each year Elizabeth II reigned - and to sing the National Anthem.