6 Abingdon Prep • September 2022 IN SCHOOL 8R PRESENT THEIR CREST PROJECTS The Drama and English departments have been working together with the children in Years 3-6 on their poetry performance skills. Every child learned a poem of their choice off-by-heart and performed it to their peers in class heats. In the final, the best performances were given again, watched by the whole school. The performances were amazing and the standard was incredibly high. It was a very difficult task to choose a winner from each year group!. YEARS 3-6 VERSE SPEAKING COMPETITION GREEN SCHOOL PROJECTS Parents were entertained by our 8R Crest Award presentations, ranging from, ‘The Science of Superstition’ to ‘The effect of Mass on Drone flight’. The pupils worked very hard on their projects, gave clear speeches, and should be proud of their efforts. Well done 8R! JUNIOR TEACHER CLUB Gardening Club members have enjoyed filling their new raised beds with carrots, pumpkins and squashes, and lavender for the bees too. Our newly elected Eco Committee held their first meeting to discuss the themes to prioritise this term. They decided on recycling in classrooms, reducing litter on site and encouraging less food waste from the dining hall. The pupils also decided to split into Junior and Senior Committees, which will regularly feedback to each other. Watch this space! BIENVENUE À POUDLARD*! *Hogwarts This term we launched a new lunchtime club – Junior Teacher! The first session was met with a real buzz and was very well attended by both classes Future sessions planned include origami and mindfulness. It’s great to see the broad range of skills and talents the children have and the opportunity to communicate these to their peers. Spanish with David, ¿Hola? Rock Climbing with Josh