Squat Jumps - Once you are comfortable with the movement and your leg muscles have adapted to squats, you can add a squat jump - just push up off your feet when you’re on the way up and repeat for the same number of repetitions. Sumo Squat - This is an excellent way of targeting the glutes. Make your stance slightly wider than shoulder width, toes pointed slightly outwards and hands out in front of you. Wall Squat - If you have knee or hip problems, a wall squat can give you extra support. Stand with your back against the wall and your feet about 12 inches from the wall. Bend your knees, dropping to a squat while keeping you back against the wall. Lower until your knees are parallel to the ground and then push up through the heels. Side Squat - When you squat, step out to the side with your right leg and then lower to the normal squatting position. Raise your arms out in front of you. Alternate between legs. Pulse Squat - Drop down to a basic squat position but instead of fully extending back up, rise up halfway and then drop back down again. Squat hold - Hold the squat position for 30 seconds on your final repetition and hold your arms out in front of you to give your legs and arms an extra workout. Pictured: Tom Phillips (Fitness Instructor) abingdon.org.uk/sports-and-leisure 6 Activities are run by Abingdon School Enterprises Limited on behalf of Abingdon School. Company No.04442429 The Wall Squat The Side Squat The Sumo Squat The Squat Hold The Pulse Squat Add some variations to get even more out of this exercise