Abingdon Impact Report 2019-2022

24 members Income and pledges since launch £688,577 n October 2021, our Seven years to change a life campaign was launched. Committing to widening access to an Abingdon education through the growth of our bursary programme; by 2026 it is our ambition that 10% of pupils will benefit. We want to ensure that every child who is offered a place at Abingdon is able to take up their place irrespective of financial circumstances. We are delighted that so many of our community have already committed to support us on this journey Since the launch of the campaign we have also welcomed 24 members to our 110 Club; recognising the significant commitment of those who have pledged or donated to support a bursary place at 10% of fees or higher. We look forward to welcoming members to our inaugural event at Abingdon on 21 May 2022. By the end of January 2022 donations and pledges towards this new bursary campaign exceeded £688,000. This will enable us to offer more bursary places from September 2022. n BURSARIES AT ABINGDON Abingdon 150 Giving Day February 2021 BURSARI ES AT ABINGDON Making the impossible possible bingdon’s first Giving Day was launched at 10am on Wednesday 3 February 2021 - a 30 hour digital fundraising and awareness campaign setting out to raise awareness about our ambition to fund more bursary places. Our global Abingdon community came together across our online channels throughout the 30 hours to help spread the message. Giving Day coincided with the 150 year anniversary of the School being at Albert Park. The School site was closed as we were all in lockdown working and learning remotely around the world, but pupils and staff participated in 150 themed activities wherever they were. The Headmaster kicked off the day by ringing the iconic school bell 63 times, a key number for Abingdon ever since our re-endowment by John Roysse in 1563. Lower School Housemaster, Mr Jenkins, took over and brought the bell count to 150. We were overwhelmed with how the Abingdon community came together to raise nearly £150,000 from over 440 donations in our 150th anniversary year. Thanks in part to this strong show of support, 11 boys were offered a bursary enabling them to take up a place at Abingdon in September 2021. In this academic year (2021-22) there are 69 pupils attending Abingdon with the help of a bursary. The generosity of our community has made this possible and we are very grateful. n The 110 Club Current members include: Richard Butland OA 1969 Henry Carter OA 2006 Jonathan Clarke OA 1976 Tony Edwards OA 1962 Richard Griffiths OA 1973 Peter Kandiah OA 1959 Andrew King OA 1962 Terence Libby OA 1961 Gareth Morris OA 1976 Patrick Sarsfield-Hall OA 1955 Telfer Saywell OA 1958 Mike Stevens OA 1968 Damian Sutcliffe OA 1987 John Walker OA 1969 James Warner OA 1995 Peter Watson OA 1974 Alan Williams OA 1965 Stewart Womar OA 1959 Peter Willerton Former Staff Some of our members wish to remain anonymous. I A T H E A B I N G D O N F O U N D AT I O N | 6 £147,481 Total amount raised 445 Individual donations