Abingdon Impact Report 2019-2022

T H E A B I N G D O N F O U N D AT I O N | 4 BURSARI ES AT ABINGDON Why Bursaries Matter Unlocking Potential through Bursaries Supporting a bursary is not only a financial gift; it is a gift that has the power to transform an individual’s life. What our Sixth Formers say y bursary to attend Abingdon has changed my life in countless ways - more than I could ever fully acknowledge. From the day I arrived to now, it has provided me with access to incredible academic and pastoral support, as well as a network of lifelong friends and connections. Whether I’ve had teachers devote countless hours outside of the school day to help stretch and develop me, or my housemaster regularly checking in with me, Abingdon has helped me to feel supported and like I truly belong. Most importantly, my Abingdon education has helped me to not only reach the top of my academic potential, but also to become confident and assured in my own capabilities. The School has always treated me as an individual and constantly reinforced the message that I can do whatever I want to; they have equipped me with both the ability and mindset to do so. Supporting a bursary is not only a financial gift; it is a gift that has the power to transform an individual’s life and help them to reach their full potential in limitless ways. Words cannot even begin to express the full extent of my gratitude to those many generous individuals that have made it possible for me to attend Abingdon. Their kindness and investment has made a lifelong impact on me - I am the person I am today because of them. I can only hope that one day, I will be able to give back in the same way their generosity has given to me. Simply put, Abingdon is a school centred around community and helping all to belong. My bursary provided me with a step into this environment that has helped to shape me into the person I am today. I will be forever grateful and indebted. U6 student M