Abingdon Impact Report 2019-2022

During the reporting year 2020-21 we received £500,983 into the donation accounts through OA, parent (past and present), staff, governor and pupil generosity, Gift Aid and interest. This represents a significant increase on the previous year’s donation income of £386,814. Most of the School’s annual income comes from school fees – approximately 96%; with 2% from ancilliary trading. The remainder comes from donated income. From September 2019 to January 2022 the School received nearly £1.5m in donations and pledges. The primary focus for fundraising has been concentrated on our bursary programme as can be seen below. Total income and destinations n Bursaries (donations and pledges) £1,256,990 n Hardship bursary support from parents (during COVID-19 pandemic) £44,270 n Parent-led associations £58,972 n Unrestricted donations £57,210 n Donations to partnerships £54,000 n Other donation income* £28,460* Total £1,499,902 *includes: awards, buildings and grounds, CCF, Moldova donations, trips and prizes Donations to Abingdon September 2019 to January 2022 I M PA C T R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 - 2 2 | 3 £1.5m