Abingdon Impact Report 2019-2022

Welcome A message from the Headmaster... T H E A B I N G D O N F O U N D AT I O N | 2 s I write today, the world feels very different from when I introduced Abingdon’s first impact report in late 2019. Global events such as the pandemic, the death of George Floyd and now the conflict in Ukraine have had an impact upon us all and have changed the way we look at life today. It is testimony to the support for the School from pupils, colleagues, OAs, parents, governors and friends that Abingdon has continued to thrive. Indeed, the commitment, generosity and ingenuity of the School community through these uncertain times has brought us all closer together and strengthened our connections with one another. A prime example of this is our 20 year old relationship with the charity Agape, based in Moldova. During this period, many students and members of staff have visited to assist with summer camps, supporting Agape’s work caring for children in one of the poorest countries in Europe. Now our friends in Moldova face a different challenge as they cope with the influx of refugees from Ukraine. I’m delighted therefore that our Charity Committee was able to make a donation of over £15,000 to support their work, meaning that during the course of our relationship we have given over £100,000. This is just one example of the way that our community has pulled together. We’ve had a wonderful response to our bursary campaign, Seven years to change a life , which aims to ensure that pupils can benefit from an education here regardless of their financial circumstances. Parents also stepped up admirably to support other Abingdon families facing hardship due to the pandemic. I’m hugely proud of our contribution to the OX14 Learning Partnership which brings together six maintained and independent schools to challenge, inspire and support pupils across the town. We’re grateful to the Mercers’ Company for their support which has funded two posts, one to support the Learning Partnership, and one to address the local need for support in Mental Health and Wellbeing. As you read this report, I hope you will be impressed by the way in which our entire community has come together to support one another, and also those outside the School gates. It is an exciting and inspiring story and I look forward to the next chapter. A Mike Windsor Headmaster