Abingdon Impact Report 2019-2022

Join Us in supporting Abingdon I M PA C T R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 - 2 2 | 1 9 We are currently focussing on bursary support but are also planning development projects which will further enhance the School facilities for our pupils. In the immediate future this will see a much-anticipated upgrade to our boarding accommodation and we will shortly be launching an initiative in support of this development. Future developments include a dining pavilion, sports centre expansion and new rowing and cricket facilities. To learn more about any of these proposed developments, please contact the Development Office. Donations from OAs, parents, and friends of Abingdon make a critical difference, both in assisting where there is an immediate need and in securing Abingdon’s future. The generosity of our donors has benefited bursaries, facilities, our partnership programme and many activities that enrich the educational experience of our pupils. Planned giving Regular gifts enable the School to plan for the immediate future, especially our bursary provision. Donations of any size and frequency make a difference and, in June, our telethon will be an opportunity for our younger OAs to discuss regular giving with members of our community. Our Seven years to change a life campaign is making significant headway thanks to many committing to a regular gift, we hope many more people will consider supporting Abingdon in this way. One-off donations Any donation can be made online via the Abingdon School donation form. We also accept bank transfers or a cheque. Overseas givers The Development Office can help with tax efficient giving in North America through BSUF and CAF Canada. Join our 110 Club Those members of our community who choose to support a bursary for seven years at 10% of fees or more are welcomed into our 110 Club. Members receive an anonymised annual report about the bursary recipient(s) they are supporting and are hosted annually at Abingdon by the Chair of Governors. Commitments to join the 110 Club start from £160 per month plus Gift Aid. Leave a gift in your will The 1563 Society exists to acknowledge those who have decided to remember Abingdon in their will. We currently have 50 members, who are hosted annually by the Headmaster and invited to other events across the year. Members also receive a pair of specially commissioned enamel cufflinks or a pendant. The legacy gift form can be found on our website. Endowment giving The Headmaster and governors recognise the long term need for an endowment to keep Abingdon’s future secure. For those wishing to have a confidential discussion regarding supporting an endowment at Abingdon, the Director of Development and Alumni Relations and the Director of Finance and Operations would be delighted to speak with you. Gifts of time We welcome members of our community sharing their time and expertise to support Abingdon and enrich the experience of pupils. If you would like to get involved please do get in touch. Gift Aid UK tax-payers may be able to claim Gift Aid on donations which increases any gift by 25%. Ways you can support us: