Abingdon Impact Report 2019-2022

ABINGDON SCHOOL IN PARTNERSHIP Abingdon Science Partnership T H E A B I N G D O N F O U N D AT I O N | 1 6 The Abingdon Science Partnership (ASP) has continued to benefit greatly from the use of the dedicated Partnership Laboratory in the Yang Science Centre, a facility that is the envy of other school science partnerships. Trust Centre for Human Genetics visits once a term, bringing up to eight scientists to lead a genetic sequencing workshop for sixth form students. This practical workshop extends knowledge gained in the A-level Biology curriculum, whilst giving students an insight into the career paths of each of the researchers delivering the workshop. Participating schools have included Fitzharrys, Larkmead, Carterton Community College and Europa School as well as Abingdon itself. The finished production was performed for local schools at Larkmead School, at the Oxford IF and Great Exhibition Road Festivals as well as on a tour of schools across Wales. Periods of lockdown in 2020 and 2021 were challenging for ASP but both staff and Abingdon School’s Science Ambassadors in middle school and 6th form showed great resilience and imagination in developing online resources. Remote versions of primary science workshops were recorded in kitchens and gardens and then shared with partner schools via the ASP portal. Resources from a collaboration with Oundle School’s partnership programme were also shared via this platform. Visiting scientists also take advantage of the ASP laboratory. The Wellcome ASP now offers a bespoke programme of workshops for primary schools based on the KS1 and KS2 science curriculum. Participants enjoy hands- on, practical science, and have the opportunity to use equipment that they would otherwise not see until secondary school. Visiting teachers find the sessions extremely valuable, and return multiple times throughout the year. The innovative nature of the ASP workshops led to a producer and choreographer from the Impelo Dance Company visiting a ‘Cells and DNA’ session in 2019 to gain inspiration for a new production entitled ‘CELL’. Staff from Abingdon School advised on the science education side of the project, along with experts in cell biology and immunology from the University of Oxford and Imperial College. I just wanted to thank you for last week, not only were the children buzzing with excitement but teachers too! Teacher, St. Swithun’s School, Kennington