Abingdon Impact Report 2019-2022

I M PA C T R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 - 2 2 | 1 3 ABINGDON SCHOOL IN PARTNERSHIP Impact on Pupils and the Wider Community Rugby Taster Sessions in collaboration with Gloucester Rugby and the RFU to support community access to rugby. Rowing Sessions on a weekly basis for students from a partner school with sessions held in the pool and out on the river. Academic Coaching an opportunity for 6th form students from across the town to learn coaching and leadership skills before supporting younger students in 1:1 sessions. Primary School Events including the Times and Places topic morning and the Primary Business Challenge as well as tag rugby coaching sessions in schools. The OX14 Learning Partnership promotion and organisation of OX14 LP lectures and talks The Confidence in STEM Programme aims to support hard to reach students and those in underrepresented groups in STEM subjects. Working closely with our partner schools, it comprises funding teaching assistants to enable focussed STEM support in schools as well as running coordinated STEM enrichment activities. Peer Support Lead Programme has seen over 50 students come together to learn more about supporting younger students with their mental health and wellbeing. This programme has included training sessions and meetings to discuss key strategies. A range of activities and events are available to students and staff across our partner schools. These create opportunities for collaboration and mutual benefit in a diverse community. Here are some examples: Oxfordshire Academy of Broadcast Journalism offers sessions for students on how to create a podcast, write a blog or learn presenting skills with tuition from experts in the field. Uptake has been good and students have shown great enthusiasm for the course.