Abingdon Impact Report 2019-2022
e recognise the importance of prevention and early intervention strategies for young people’s mental health, which is why we have shared a variety of resources on children’s wellbeing and emotional regulation with several primary and prep schools. Our work in primary schools across Oxfordshire to support Relationships and Sex Education has continued to make a strong impact. A year 5 parent shared that her daughter has “a more thorough understanding of so much more of her personal development since these sessions started, and the sessions have opened doors to allow more open discussions at home that previously my daughter wasn’t keen to discuss.” for external delegates and to introduce the Adult Mental Health First Aid training for senior and middle management. Going forward, we aim to continue to develop these important relationships, with a focus on early intervention for mental health issues, parental engagement and strategies to support staff wellbeing in a clear and practical way. Through the Whole School Approach, we also plan to explore the impact of the digital world on mental health and give greater support to families on how to sustain a healthy approach to the use of technology. We hope to use additional funding for specialist training on specific mental health issues and to create more opportunities for parental and community engagement. Natalie Hunt, Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator With the easing of Covid restrictions, we have been able to work more directly with students and staff, particularly in John Mason School and Fitzharrys School. This has included individual, paired and group sessions on managing stress and anxiety, 6th form assemblies, whole staff INSET on how to support a student’s mental health and how to support a friend who is self-harming. Through our collaboration with the Oxford Diocese Board of Education (serving over 7,000 pupils), we delivered four webinars for headteachers, school governors and all staff on Staff Wellbeing, reaching 108 schools and 127 attendees. We have delivered in-person INSETs for primary schools on Staff Wellbeing and are helping these schools to develop a strategic approach to managing staff workload, flexibility and autonomy. We have been able to offer the Youth Mental Health First Aid training course free of charge to school staff and charity sector workers in Oxfordshire and beyond. This course is delivered five times a year and, over the next few years, we aim to increase our capacity ABINGDON SCHOOL IN PARTNERSHIP Mental Health and Wellbeing The focus of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator is centred on the Whole School Approach to mental health and wellbeing by supporting students, staff and parents in a variety of primary and secondary schools in Oxfordshire. At a time of immense pressure in schools, having an expert with the knowledge and skills to lead us in focusing on how we could practically address these issues was hugely beneficial. Ruth Bennie, Deputy Director for the ODBE Natalie’s knowledge, expertise and passion has provided us with valuable resources and enabled me to roll out whole school strategies which are more thorough than in previous years. Amy Prior, John Mason School I M PA C T R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 - 2 2 | 1 1 W
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