Abingdon News No. 60
www.abingdon.org.uk 11 At the start of the Lent term, a number of Sixth Form linguists attended the joint MFL Society dinner, this year hosted by St Helen and St Katharine. Pupils listened to engaging talks from alumni from both schools who have held a number of roles over the course of their careers, including as ambassador to Lithuania, roles in the cabinet and foreign office and a global think tank. Both speakers spoke about how languages have played such an integral part in their professional and personal lives since leaving school. Pupils were then treated to a delicious three course meal and a language-themed quiz. Spirits were high and it was great to be able to meet together for the first time in two years. Joint MFL Society dinner This year, Abingdon 5th Year students, together with St Helen and St Katharine Year 11 students put on a joint production of ‘Chaos’. Directed by Ms Hutton, this versatile cast performed the play written by Laura Lomas about the challenges she personally faced as a teenager. Physical, honest and brilliantly chaotic, this production gave our actors the very best opportunities to express themselves using non-verbal communication and stylised theatre techniques. Our technical crew created an intimate, vibrant space in the Drama Studio for our actors to explore, in what was our first public performance in over two years. Organised Chaos Abingdon News The first joint senior production in two years took place in the Amey Theatre in February where students from Abingdon and St Helen and St Katharine wowed audiences with their spine-chilling rendition of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In this version, adapted by Rona Munro, the author was put at the very heart of the action as a character in the piece, constructing the story as it played out. Directed by Mr Phillips, Frankenstein was fast paced, dynamic and featured one or two jump scares both delighting, and terrifying, the audience. The technical team, led by Mr Lloyd, used eerie sound design and special effects including pyrotechnics to bring the chilling atmosphere to life within the multi-level set. It was evident the cast and crew had a fantastic time putting together what was a truly first class performance. Frankenstein Financial seminars Throughout March, Head of Career Guidance, Michael Triff, together with Financial Adviser and OA, Kieran O’Leary, ran a selection of financial education seminars. The five topics included the why and how of budgeting; differentiating various types of bank accounts and the appropriate uses of each; how credit cards and insurance policies work and the consequences of misuse; how income gets taxed and how to decipher a payslip; plus how the student loan system operates, including the cost of borrowing money and the terms of paying loans back. “Intended to provide Sixth Formers with a foundational understanding of five key financial topics, as well as student loans, these seminars have provided the essential financial knowledge which every young person needs in order to prosper as an independent adult” said Mr Triff. He continued: “I am extremely grateful to OA Kieran O’Leary for sharing his knowledge and expertise with students, who I know have benefited greatly from these sessions.
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