APS News 29
abingdon.org.uk/prep 11 AbingdonPrep Pre-Prep Y5 https://photos.smugmug.com/Prep-School-2018-19/Sport/Rugby/U9-vs-CCCS-Oct18/i-sHBq89S/0/a101109e/XL/024-XL.jpg Reception’s First Day It was the first day in school for our youngest pupils and a very warm welcome awaited them. The boys thoroughly enjoyed making new friends and exploring their classroom and outside play areas. They soon settled into their new surroundings and looked very much ‘at home’. CDT in Year 2 Y1 enjoy PE Divali in Reception Sunshine on the Mound with Y1 A visit from the Dentist to Reception An enthusiastic Pre-Prep shared their impressive singing skills with parents in a mini Autumn Festival performing to parents in different locations around our school. We made a snowman - in November! Pumpkin Festival Pre-Prep Workshare
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