Our Vision for Bursaries

What a bursary meant to me The bursary which enabled me to study at Abingdon has underwritten the work and career I have been able to pursue ever since graduating in 2017. Abingdon offered me incredible teachers who pushed me to follow my passions and generate novel ideas, ultimately leading me to study natural science for my bachelor's degree and driving me to pursue a career in scientific research. I am now about to begin a doctoral degree in evolutionary biology – something which I would not have predicted during my time at Abingdon, but a path for which my time at Abingdon has prepared me. Alongside this, Abingdon provided me with friendships and a support network which I still make the most of to this day. Its collaborative and supportive ethos has stuck with me, and continues to influence my professional and personal life. Supporting a bursary is an investment in the future. Your support will have a lifelong impact, and never be taken for granted by the people it affects. Jonah Walker (OA 2017) My bursary place gave me the opportunity to study at Abingdon for my entire secondary school period. Its history and character meant that the School always felt welcoming and friendly throughout my years. The sense of community, whether within the houses, the tutor groups, classes, or in the many clubs available, created places where I made lasting friendships. I was taught by teachers who had a love for their subject and cared for their students. Abingdon's Other Half offered me the time and space to try almost anything, whether arts, sports or general interests, and has made me positive, well-rounded and excited to challenge myself in new ways as an adult. Most importantly the school helped nurture my talents and passions into something that will last a lifetime – especially music. Despite the financial background I had, the support and opportunities I was given by the Music Department were one of a kind and this is what I feel I am most thankful for in terms of what Abingdon provided. As a music scholar I was given free lessons to continue my violin studies and I performed in chamber groups and recitals as well as touring to the USA and Spain with the First Orchestra. I found my interest in computing at A Level and with the guidance of my teachers I felt confident in pursuing it further at the University of Sheffield where I received an MEng in Digital Electronics. I'm truly grateful for the bursary I received and fully believe I wouldn't be the person I am today if not for Abingdon and the generosity of those who made it possible. David Chung (OA 2016)