Our Vision for Bursaries

Inspiring the leaders and changemakers of tomorrow Dashiell Hathaway (OA 2021) benefited from a bursary. He explains what coming to Abingdon meant to him. “A bursary has allowed me to attend Abingdon for the past seven years and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time here. From the beginning I’ve been encouraged in all areas of school life. I’ve met many very good friends both in and out of my subject interests as well as through the Other Half (Abingdon’s extensive extra-curricular programme). Being taught at Abingdon has continually stretched me to my fullest academic potential which has allowed me to obtain competitive grades for university entry. In addition, attending Abingdon opened up a large number of opportunities in the Other Half – I was able to follow my existing passions such as chess, music and sailing, while also trying new activities such as bridge, fencing and shooting. I had a great time beyond my academics and was given the chance to represent the school in chess, cricket, cross country, music and sailing. The inclusion of these at Abingdon meant that there were always a variety of interests that I could explore and this helped me realise I had a talent for many things. This ultimately gave me the confidence to choose a Natural Sciences course at Imperial College so that I have multiple directions I could choose to go in the future.”