The Middle School

Pastoral care Moving to senior school is a big step and often daunting but at Abingdon we have many years of experience in helping children to settle and they quickly feel that they belong. Induction days before students start at school ensure that everyone knows a familiar face and they can find their way around campus, even before term starts. Year groups are split into houses and tutor groups with a ratio of between 10 to 12 boys per tutor. There are nine houses, three of which have both boarders and dayboys. Each house has a houseroom where students go to relax, enjoy each other's company or to do quiet study. Every student is known and cared for. The tutor has daily contact with tutees and is the main link between school and home. Tutors quickly get to know the children and we have specialist tutors for the Third Year who are well-versed in helping children who are new to the school. Older students also act as mentors, helping younger pupils from an insider’s point of view! Find out more: A c a r i n g e n v i r o nme n t 4 I S I I NSPECT ION The ability to be self- reflective and ambitious is a constant for pupils throughout their time at the school, as they aspire to develop skills of integrity, compassion and resilience.