Abingdon News No.58

www.abingdon.org.uk 7 Abingdon News Hampton Court Palace The second years enjoyed the annual history trip to Hampton Court Palace. Pupils engaged with the rich Tudor, Stuart and Georgian history and even caught a glimpse of Henry VIII himself! The Abingdon Science Partnership (ASP) would like to celebrate the children and staff in Year 2 at St Edmund’s Primary School for getting stuck in to CREST Star science activities every afternoon during British Science Week. ASP was delighted to loan the boxes of resources and activity plans that they have been developing over the years. Congratulations St Edmund’s The Life and Legacy of Napoleon Our thanks go to Professor Michael Broers of Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University, who delivered an entertaining lecture on the life and legacy of Napoleon to students studying History. Broers is one of the foremost Napoleonic historians of the academic world and we were privileged to be able to host him. Flash Fiction Competition Ted Smethurst in the Lower Sixth has been ‘very highly commended’ in the National Flash Fiction Competition, run by the University of Chester, for his story entitled ‘The Menu’. He competed against students from across the country so this is a great accolade for a young writer who shows much promise. A participant in Abingdon’s AFA Creative Writing course, he’s part of a dedicated community of creative writers in the Sixth Form, and richly deserves this success. Team Woodstuff picked up the “Entrepreneurship” award for their range of upcycled domestic signage at the online regional Young Enterprise final. Young Enterprise