Abingdon News No.58

6 September 2021 Abingdon News The Lockdown Art Competition was an ASiP initiative involving schools across the partnership. Students depicted their thoughts and feelings about lockdown in a variety of ways. Lockdown Art Competition We had many entries from Radley, Buckland and St Edmund’s and the artwork ranged from paintings and sculptures to drawings and collage. The pieces showed the diversity of young people’s experience of lockdown. This edition of the magazine from the Economics department includes issues surrounding Bitcoin, the Olympics, Gamestop, Abingdon’s Lent term essay competition winner and a crossword. Griffenomics aims to “open your mind to the limitless realm of economics, and pleasantly immerse yourself in the unexpected”. A link to the online magazine is on the school website abingdon.org.uk/griffenomics ‘Valete’ Abingdon classicists At the end of the summer term we said ‘valete’ to a particularly strong year of Abingdon classicists. Twenty- two students studied a classical subject in the Sixth Form, and many chose to continue their interest at university, including Classics courses at Durham, Exeter and Manchester and four to study Classics at Oxford. First Year Academic Award holders took part in an online joint thinking lunch with girls from St Helen’s. They were asked to reflect on some of the positives that they could draw from the last year of lockdowns, either looking at new skills and activities that they have developed or the role models that had inspired them - they then all contributed to a really interesting and varied presentation at the end of the session. Lockdown positives ‘The Listeners’ Congratulations to first year Bertie Smith, for being Highly Commended in the National Poetry By Heart Competition, for his rendition of The Listeners by Walter de la Mare. A video of Bertie’s recital is in the news section of the website.