Abingdon News No.58

The Environmental Committee is made up of staff from departments that cover estates, grounds, transport, catering and teaching. Students are very much involved and they are encouraged to ‘own’ initiatives. Student representation is via the pupil led Eco-Committee which feeds ideas into the Environmental Committee, and together with an extremely supportive governing body, they form the driving force behind the School’s sustainability initiatives. Our goals are to: • Reduce the environmental impact of the school estate • Increase awareness of environmental sustainability • Remain compliant with, and where possible exceed, environmental regulations There follows just some of the School’s recent initiatives. More projects can be found on the website. Energy – buildings across the school campus have been audited for their environmental sustainability. Improvements include solar panels and LED lighting. There are plans to trial a new solar film, as an alternative to solar panels, with a possibility to roll out across the campus beginning with the science centre. The School aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030. The Amey Theatre is encouraging a range of initiatives from promoting environmental events and artists to recycling and reusing sets and introducing a more sustainable approach to refreshment packaging and waste. Transport – extensive carbon reduction through the use of the Joint Bus Service. Plans to encourage green commuting for staff and students including car-shares, electric car points and improved facilities for cyclists. School grounds - 300 trees from the Woodland Trust planted around campus. The Eco-Committee installed bug hotels to promote biodiversity and is investigating wildflower areas, pollinating plants and bird boxes. Litter and waste - the School is zero waste to landfill. All waste is sorted for recycling and further promotion is planned to raise awareness of the need to separate waste and recycle. Reducing printing and paper wastage remains a priority. Catering – students and the catering team are looking into meat free days and more meat free and plant based options as well as alternatives to palm oil, the carbon footprint of food and reducing food waste and plastic packaging. All the fish used in our catering is responsibly sourced. Global citizenship – the Eco-Committee reported that students are keen to support the development of materials to use across the curriculum. Students are involved with monitoring air quality through the SCAMPA project in science. Field studies look into biodiversity on the school site and the third and fifth year curriculum study climate change in detail. This year’s Festival of the Arts includes an exhibition of animal sculptures created by students from recycled material. Environmental support is also promoted through the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. www.abingdon.org.uk 11 Sustainability at Abingdon Solar panels on the Estates Office LED lighting installed in the sports centre Trees planted around the school campus