APS News 28

abingdon.org.uk/prep 7 AbingdonPrep In School A Recipe for Making My Teacher Angry First, sprinkle a teaspoon of messy handwriting Onto a bed of calling out with a splash of singing in class, Next add a dash of rudeness, And a paper plane freshly made, scrunched into a ball. Then squeeze in some cheating in exams, Some stolen sweets, an empty pen, a mouldy rubber, Mix in littering and season with some screeching, Boil for the count of three, then microwave some ripped up books. Dice up three swear words and add a dash of laziness Followed by a thin slice of swinging on chairs, Finally add a dollop of annoying comments, Serve warm. George Beautifully Beautifully the sun glows spectacularly over the sea, Beautifully the river flows in the flourishing moonlight, Beautifully the fluffy bunny hops across the green land, Beautifully the red kite glides across the field, But the most beautiful of all is a spider spinning its irresistibly silky web. Beautifully the famous artist paints his masterpiece, Beautifully the seal cuts through the water’s wake, Beautifully the runner runs like the wind, But the most beautiful of all is the girl skating around the shining rink. Lucas 4A Poems Year 7 Build Norman Castles Year 7 has been studying the Norman invasion and enjoyed making motte- and-bailey castles. The boys were extremely imaginative using everything from chocolate fingers and chicken wire to Minecraft! Storyboarding in Latin The Cambridge Latin Course tells the story of Dumnorix and Belimicus, rival captains in a boat race. Belimicus was furious to have lost, and takes a bear to attack Dumnorix at the after-race party! Pupils created illustrated storyboards of the story in Latin, (left). L’année 5 - Liste de Courses