A Rough Guide to the Middle School
Sport There are many sports to choose from including: rugby, hockey, football, fencing, badminton, cross country, rowing, squash, swimming, water polo, sailing, cricket, tennis, athletics and golf. We are also very proud of our state-of-the-art Sports Centre and our facilities at Tilsley Park which you will undoubtedly benefit from. If I have a problem If you have a problem there are without a doubt many people you can talk to however you are feeling. Your parents are definitely someone to talk to - even siblings, older or younger. At school, there is your Tutor, Housemaster, Middle Master, Deputy Head Pastoral, the Chaplains, the Health Centre and the School Councillors. They are professionals who know what they are doing and you can speak with them whenever you like. But the list doesn’t end there. Prefects, and older students, such as your lower sixth form mentor, can also help you along with pupils in the year above. People in your house are also really helpful. If you ever need help, just ask! We are always on hand and not just for the first few weeks.
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