A Rough Guide to the Middle School
Service & Citizenship Scheme - including the CCF On Tuesday afternoons you can either choose the CCF (Combined Cadet Force) or a Service Activity. Within the CCF, you sign up initially for a year, and attend the recruit camp at Easter. After graduation you can choose to specialize in either the Army or RAF sections. Some students progress to fly aircraft solo and/or go on the Advanced Infantry Cadre. Within the Services & Citizenship scheme you can choose from a range of options including: visiting the elderly, offering ICT help in a local library, conservation work, helping the theatre tech crew, learning touch typing and helping with the Moldova Project. There is a lot on offer, including first aid. Drama and Music The school has brilliant drama facilities and every year there are several plays to get involved with; some are joint productions with the school of St Helen and St Katharine (a local girls school). We have a thriving music department that has toured in many parts of the world. Approximately two out of three students in the school take music lessons and there are many orchestras and groups for the students to get involved in.
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