A Rough Guide to the Middle School
“The induction day was useful to start to get to know everyone in my house and so on the first day I knew a few people’s names. My first day was made easier as we had a long time in the morning to get to know everyone and then a tour so I knew where all my classrooms were and where to go at certain times. So overall my first day went well and was made very easy to get used to everything. In the first few weeks we had lots of break times and lunch times to make better friendships and we were assigned a lower sixth form mentor to talk to about how everything is going.” Abingdon is a very friendly and welcoming school that gives you many opportunities to excel. This rough guide to the Middle School is designed to give you a few hints in order to help guide you through your busy and exciting time at Abingdon. Abingdon is certainly not your ordinary school and that is very clear when you arrive. It’s an incredible place; with a myriad of opportunities and activities - a place where everyone can find their niche. As a new pupil, it’s the size and scale of the place that can blow you away. But it’s also very easy to settle in and make lifelong friends.
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