Abingdon News No. 57

18 April 2021 Abingdon Preparatory School French detectives Pupils in Year 5 became French detectives to solve the mystery of the stolen pains au chocolat. There were ten prime suspects, including Mr Windsor, the Headmaster at Abingdon. The boys listened to the suspects talk and then received police transcripts of their accounts - all in French of course! With the help of clues from the crime scene the boys identified the culprit and celebrated with a French pastry via Zoom! Investigating microbes Virtual fixtures Year 5 has been investigating microbes finding out about the different types and how they appear under microscopes. They then went on to design their own. Physical fixtures may not have been possible last term but that did not deter the PE Department who moved online with virtual challenges against St Hugh’s and Beachborough. The boys collectively ran, walked, hacked and cycled 1,395km against Beachborough with over 500 children taking part across both schools. ‘The Highwayman’ Boys have been studying the poem ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. They had great fun acting it out in their English lesson. Some of the boys managed to find suitable props for dressing up while others used clever settings on their computer to create their costumes!