Abingdon News No.56

Abingdon News Natalie Hunt – Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator Natalie joins our wellbeing team which is led by the Head of Wellbeing, Paul Gooding. Natalie’s background is in teaching, mental health training and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and she will be working with students, staff and parents across Abingdon and further afield to develop a holistic and community based approach to mental health and wellbeing. Her role includes supporting curriculum initiatives and best practice, embedding them within partnership links throughout the town and beyond. The Rule of Six.... by Mark Hindley, Deputy Head (Pastoral), A real concern is that part of the new normal seems to be a heightened sense of anxiety. What is the R rate? Am I safe? What will happen to the economy? Will Covid ever end or is it here forever? As adults we are feeling this anxiety, so it is unsurprising that we are seeing increased anxiety in teenagers as well. How will my grades be calculated this year? What will university look like? Will I ever experience the rite of passages that I expected to - like going to a festival or Freshers’ Week? Is our generation going to be left with a crippled economy and unpayable debts? In the midst of all this worry and concern it is crucial that we keep reminding ourselves and our children of the basics for addressing anxiety. Whatever research one looks to, the same strategies often crop up, so perhaps it is worth reiterating them at a time when we are all concerned with our own mental health and that of our loved ones. To echo the rule of six that was in place prior to the second lockdown, how about six top tips? 1. Try to stay healthy by exercising (outside preferably), going to sleep early, and eating a balanced diet. 2. Stay connected - talk to each other, listen to one another, and reach out to friends and family. 3. Try to be kind and give to someone else in some way - acts of kindness have been shown to improve mental health. 4. Be proactive - try to do something that gives you a sense of a job well done. 5. Focus on what you can control and accept what you can’t. You can’t rid the world of Covid, so focus on something that you can do ... 6. Live in the moment - even if that is just breathing to calm yourself - Google 7-11 breathing! All so easy to say, but in these times of stress and anxiety, much harder to do in practice... This year’s remembrance commemorations took the form of a pre-recorded video that was watched simultaneously by boys, staff and OAs and ended with the two minutes silence and the ringing of the school bell at 11am on Armistice Day. The film brought together the annual CCF parade, the Headmaster’s address and the roll call of the fallen read out by the joint Heads of School. It was a moving way to bring the whole school together, albeit remotely, to commemorate this important occasion. The video is available to watch on the school website. Remembrance 6 January 2021 i