Abingdon News No.56

www.abingdon.org.uk 19 Reception learn all about looking after their teeth. Sport The boys have embraced a selection of sports this term with cricket skills being honed in the first half of term and rugby in the second, alongside their swimming and PE lessons. The Other Half provides a wide range of additional individual and team sports from archery and dance to table tennis and just about everything in between! Remembrance The whole school assembled, as we do every year at 11am on the 11 November, to observe the two minute silence as part of the Remembrance commemorations. Toby in Year 8 played ‘The Last Post’ on his trumpet, poignantly signalling the start of the silence, which was observed immaculately. Years 6, 7 and 8 relived their younger years when they made marshmallow catapults in CDT. Never too old for lollysticks, the boys were aiming high, having a sportsman’s competition to reach the CDT room’s skylights! Marshmallow catapults The Iron Man Year 4 brought the book they are reading by Ted Hughes to life by making fantastic models over half term. The boys had a fantastic time working towards their first ever virtual Christmas Concert. All year groups sang, with music ranging from favourite carols to popular songs that we all know and love. It was so much fun that even the school staff had their own number. Everyone watching at home could not fail to enter into the festive spirit. Virtual Christmas Concert Teeth