Abingdon News No.56

14 January 2021 Congratulations to fourth former, Alexander Lees, for this excellent photo, titled: School’s closed, a new light on lockdown learning - which won the Newbury Weekly News #oneshot_oneworld photographic competition earlier this year. The competition, which had a strong number of entries, asked for an image illustrating how people were coping, what they were doing or what the lockdown meant for them. Alexander was very pleased with his prize, an iPhone SE. Abingdon News Fourth year artists have begun their GCSE course, and due to coronavirus, the exam board has restructured the way students submit their work. Digital sketchbooks are the new format and have introduced the challenge of promoting mediums that are more suited to online working. This has forced the year group out of their comfort zone to produce some brilliant artwork, with boys taking the opportunity to improve their photography skills and take stunning pictures with the subject matter inspired by the work of artist Sarah Graham. The theme of confectionery has stayed constant, with some students choosing to work in more traditional mediums of oil pastels and pencils to create sustained pieces in bold colours. GCSE Art Boys from all year groups pitted their skills against the tricky challenges provided by the Maths department. They tackled Decision Maths through Mr Cook’s perplexing problem to find the most efficient route around the area of Norfolk. Other activities included a crossnumber puzzle designed by a group of upper sixth, interactive online lectures from Maths Week England, producing short video documentaries on favourite unsung heroes of Mathematics and a topical project for the Sixth Form Maths Enrichment group, who looked at the mathematics of mask-wearing in relation to slowing the spread of COVID-19. Two of our upper sixth ASiP Peer Support Leads, Karum Sangha and George Siriwardene put together an impressive and thought provoking presentation for the Middle School focussing on the evolving nature of masculinity and the importance of young men seeking emotional support when necessary. The Headmaster dropped in on first year music lessons this term to share his love of bass and to encourage boys to take it up. Many of the pupils were unaware that Mr Windsor is an accomplished double bass player who, as a teenager, played in the National Youth Orchestra and went on to develop his jazz bass playing at university, including the bass guitar. Mr Windsor improvised a solo explaining the role of a bass in the rhythm section before picking up his guitar and playing a few riffs, for boys to identify. The boys enthusiastically took up the opportunity to try the double bass. Demos from the Bass ‘Master Maths Week England International Men’s Day Photographic competition winner