Abingdon News No.56

www.abingdon.org.uk 13 Abingdon News Roman Models & Mosaics Although unable to visit Fishbourne Roman Palace last summer the second years created an impressive range of mosaics and models, inspired by the palace and constructed of materials including shells, stones, pebbles, card and porcelain. Samuel Price received a Head’s Praise for his copy of one of the panels featuring a peacock from a floor dedicated to different birds at Italica in Spain, birthplace of the emperors Trajan and Hadrian. Awards for the Lower School The Headmaster met with lower school boys to congratulate those who have received Head’s Praises in the first half of term and to hand out prizes to those first years who did particularly well in elements of the entrance exam process. Fundraising for Moldova Agape , our partner charity in Moldova, has been working hard during the pandemic to make a difference to those Moldovan families who are most in need of support. Children without access to technology have struggled to get any form of education since schools were forced to close and many families have not been able to buy the supplies they need. Using money raised by a group of sixth formers through a sponsored event last term, Agape has been able to support 100 families in five different villages with school equipment, cleaning and hygiene supplies, plus some smartphones to enable children to connect to their online lessons. Abingdon Edge is a new initiative set up by a partnership of five schools in Abingdon to design a program of activities aimed at developing skills that will help students to be successful employees, as well as thoughtful, kind and self-confident individuals. The schools involved are: Abingdon, Fitzharrys, John Mason, Larkmead and Radley. The program of activities give students a variety of opportunities that will not only help them academically but also develop skills such as communication, collaboration and creativity as well as promoting a sense of civic pride. The first activity is Academic Coaching involving Year 12 students learning key communication and leadership skills so that they may coach Year 9 students. The best of the Middle School Scholars’ summer research projects were showcased in the Amey Theatre, with parents watching online via the livestream. The fourth and fifth year academic scholars gave detailed and well delivered presentations on a wide range of topics from Why We Laugh to Cartography through the Ages. The event was a great example of the independence, inquiry and initiative which is promoted through the scholars programme. Summer research projects