The Little Careers Book

࢚࢚ There is great satisfaction to be derived from producing something that benefits society, raising the living standards of the world. ࢚࢚ Engineering is very challenging work, and completing a degree in Engineering is also very challenging, especially if you don’t love maths. ࢚࢚ Engineers are well paid on the whole (though less than some careers requiring similar levels of formal education and professional qualifications). ࢚࢚ There is no shortage of well-paid work in engineering, even during recessions. Engineers are needed everywhere, all the time. ࢚࢚ The opportunities to take part in ground breaking engineering activities is almost unlimited. ࢚࢚ The country needs as many good engineers as we can get. ࢚࢚ You can achieve a balance between work and personal life if you are productive and good at what you do, and flexible working is possible. ࢚࢚ Engineering careers often allow you to travel globally – even live abroad – which can be an exciting prospect, depending on your interests and language skills. TRUTHS XX Engineering is a man’s subject. XX All engineers are introverted geeks. XX Engineering is boring…and engineers are boring people. XX Engineers never make it to the top because they are seen as possessing strong technical abilities rather than strong leadership or management abilities. XX Once an engineer, always an engineer. It’s difficult to move into other careers if you qualify as an engineer. ࢚࢚ The diversity of personality traits is huge, and all can play their own part in achieving the necessary outcome in different ways. ࢚࢚ Engineering requires an intellectual leaning towards the practical – how something works – since engineers bring ideas to life by creating a functional object. ࢚࢚ While being a ‘geek/nerd’ may be frowned upon at school, these are the kinds of people who are prized for jobs in engineering. ࢚࢚ Being able to approach a situation from different angles and so-called ‘thinking outside the box’ are signs of a good engineer. ࢚࢚ Good designers tend to be single-minded, believing in their abilities and ideas, but they have to be good at selling new ideas, too. MYTHS MYTHS TRUTHS REWARDS AND SACRIFICES PERSONALITY TRAITS