Parents' Handbook 2018-19

5 Communication - the human connection - is the key to success. COMMUNICATION Visiting School During a normal working day all visitors, including parents, should report to the School Reception, situated in Park Lodge at the entrance to the School, where visitors will be requested to sign in upon arrival, and sign out when leaving. Visitors must wear a visitors’ badge. Visitors will be directed to the appropriate offices, or asked to wait in the reception area until the member of staff has been notified of the visitor’s arrival. Visitors wishing to meet individual members of staff are requested to make appointments beforehand. Parents contacting boys/Boys contacting parents/Use of Mobile Phones It is not possible for us to bring individual boys to speak to their parents on the telephone. Boys in the Lower School are not allowed to use mobile telephones during school hours. Boys in the Middle and Upper Schools may use mobile telephones at break, during the lunch hour and after school, but not between lessons, during lessons, during supervised activity or private study, or at any formal school occasion. They must not be used to send offensive messages nor to access inappropriate websites. The unsolicited taking of photographs or videos, by such equipment, is strictly prohibited. Otherwise they must not be used in a way that inconveniences others. The school telephone number must not be used as a means of sending messages to boys, except in cases of emergency. + Boys contacting staff: Boys wishing to contact members of staff will usually find it easiest to do so by email or enquiring for them at the Common Room or calling at their individual offices. Boys who wish to see a senior member of staff will usually find it most convenient to ask their Tutor or Housemaster to make an appointment for them. They may however, if they wish, ask the Common Room Secretary for an urgent appointment - and the Headmaster may always be approached directly by any boy who needs to speak to him.