Parents' Handbook 2020/21

Leave out of School Requests involving the absence of any boy for more than a day of school time should be made in writing to the Headmaster. His Housemaster may deal with requests involving absence of a day or less. Parents are strongly requested not to take their sons out of school for any but the most pressing reasons. It must be said that we object strongly to applications for leave that have the effect of extending the already generous school holidays. Absence from School Fixtures Boys are expected to be available for matches against other schools unless specific permission has been sought from and granted by the Headmaster. Any request should be made well in advance, at least one week before the fixture and copied to the Director of Sport and PE. Saturdays On Saturdays large numbers of boys will be required to play school games as well as being involved in other school activities, such as Open Days. (Please see above for expectations about boys’ attendance on Saturdays.) This year’s Open Day will take place on Saturday 3 October 2020 and all boys, except those in the First Year who are only required if involved in a specific activity e.g. orchestra, are expected to attend. School buses will run on the Open Day. Lunch All boys (dayboys and boarders) are required to have lunch, which is provided in the Dining Hall. A choice from a variety of hot, cold and vegetarian dishes is available, with filled baguettes as a regular option. Sample menus are shown on the school website. There is no additional charge for this meal, and no refund can be made if meals are not taken. Special dietary requirements (for medical or religious reasons) can usually be accommodated. We attach considerable importance to the social aspect of lunch. School lunch is therefore compulsory and we ask parents to support this stance. Detentions Detention is a penalty imposed by the School in cases of misbehaviour or if the School considers that a pupil’s academic progress has been below standard and that the pupil would benefit from a period of quiet, supervised study. It is for one or two hours after school on Fridays. Prep detention, when a boy has failed to complete a piece of work to a satisfactory standard, is after lessons on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 16.00pm until 16.45pm. Headmaster’s Detentions, for more serious offences, are held on Saturdays from 09.00 to 11.00am. Boys may appeal against detention, using the procedures set out in their homework diaries in the School Rules and Regulations, but parents are requested to support the School in imposing the detention. 7