Parents' Handbook 2020/21

Timings Below is an outline of a typical day at Abingdon. Timings do vary across year groups and from day to day – more specific templates for each year group are downloadable from the school website 8.35 Boys meet with their tutors 8.45 Assembly or Chapel 9.00 – 9.50 Period 1: Lessons for all 9.55 – 10.45 Period 2: Lessons for all 10.45 – 11.05 Break 11.10 – 12.05 Period 3: Lessons for all 12.10 – 13.05 Period 4: Lunch/activities/tutorial/ assembly for some, lessons for others 13.10 – 13.55 Period 5: Lunch/activities/tutorial/ assembly depending on year group 14.00 – 14.55 Period 6: Lunch/activities for some, lessons for others 15.00 – 15.55 Period 7: Lessons for all (except Wednesdays when after school activities take place for all) 16.00 – 17.15 Period 8: After school activities After school activities are normally over by 17.15, except sometimes in the Lent and Summer Terms. Dayboys should normally leave school premises by 17.20, unless specially required to stay behind or arrangements for this have been made. Attendance Dayboys should normally arrive between 8.15 and 8.35 each morning. Considerable importance is attached to punctuality and registration is an integral part of school administration as well as a legal requirement; the School’s registration procedures are inspected regularly. We ask for parents’ co-operation, therefore, in ensuring that their sons arrive on time. Late arrivals are required to report in person to the Attendance Office in Room 10, by the Chapel, to register there. Absence If parents know their son is going to be absent they must let the School know by telephoning the Attendance Secretary on +44 (0)1235 849031 , or by emailing: [email protected] (and copy the email to their son’s tutor), by 9.30 each morning. Parents should give their son’s name and tutor group. If a boy fails to register, the School is obliged to ring the parents to ascertain the whereabouts of their son. On Saturdays if an unplanned absence arises for a sporting fixture or another activity (such as a rehearsal) contact must be made with the teacher in charge of the team or activity either by email or phone call. The Sports Centre reception is on +44 (0)1235 849062. The school main number +44 (0)1235 521563 will be manned for Open Days and similar events. The School Day 6