Parents' Handbook 2020/21

• Acceptance deposit being an amount to confirm the parents &/or fee-payers have accepted the offer of a place for a pupil to Abingdon School and have entered into a contract for the education of that pupil at Abingdon School based on the Terms & Conditions. The acceptance fee is refunded on the pupil’s final termly bill, issued at the end of the pupil’s final term. • Tuition fees are set annually by the Governors of Abingdon School and usually notified to parents by the end of the Lent term in the academic year preceding. • The provision of school lunches for day pupils and of school breakfast, lunch and supper for boarders is included within the Tuition Fee. • Examination fees for public examinations are a chargeable extra. A list detailing the most common extras is included with the termly bill. Where possible these are notified to parents in advance. Methods of Payment The standard method of payment is by direct debit. A form can be obtained from the Finance Office. For overseas parents, payments may also be made by electronic transfer. In exceptional circumstances after discussion with the Finance Department parents and fee-payers may write a cheque in favour of Abingdon School. Payments by cash, or by debit or credit card are not accepted. 17