Parents' Handbook 2020/21

Dayboy Coaches It is parents’ responsibility to arrange transport for their sons to and from school. However, the School arranges private coach services from a number of locations. The cost (billed each term in advance) is shared between the pupils using these services. The routes taken are kept continually under review to enable as great a number of parents as possible to take advantage of the scheme. Lists of current pick-up points and times are available from the school website together with an online form for requesting places. All questions regarding spaces should be referred to the Joint School Bus co-ordinator : please email [email protected] . The School cannot guarantee that there will be a place on the route requested. A term’s notice is required of a decision to withdraw a pupil from a coach service, otherwise the School reserves the right to charge fees in lieu. The wearing of seat belts by boys using the school coaches is compulsory . Parents should be aware that a boy who repeatedly fails to wear his seat belt may well jeopardise his seat on a school bus. We really do require parental support in emphasising to the boys the importance of safety on the coaches. Parents’ Cars If you are bringing your son to school by car, please drop him outside the school grounds, in order to minimise congestion on the drives and reduce the risk of accident. Boys should be dropped in Park Crescent where traffic circulation can be free flowing and not in the cul-de-sac of Park Road by the school gates. If the Christ’s Hospital gate across Park Road is closed, please do not enter the school grounds at all unless it is absolutely essential to do so. You should note that Christ’s Hospital does not allow cars to be parked in Park Road or Park Crescent (unless you are collecting your son and remain in the vehicle). Clampers operate in Park Road and Park Crescent throughout the day and night. Christ’s Hospital strictly forbids the parking of cars on the grass verges . Cars may not enter the coach park at any time between 8.00 – 9.00am and 4.00 – 5.30pm. Bicycles Open sheds are provided for dayboys coming to school by bicycle. For security reasons, bicycles should not be left at school over half-term or during holidays. Dayboys are recommended not to leave their bicycles at school overnight. Parents are asked to make sure that their sons are aware that, for the benefit of pedestrians, cycling is not allowed on the site and that the use of safety helmets is compulsory when riding to and from school. Sixth Formers’ Cars and Motorcycles The School strongly discourages boys from using their own cars or motorcycles for travelling to school . Limited parking in the Lower Field Car Park is available to Prefects at the discretion of the Upper Master. School grounds are available only for members of staff and visitors. Transport 15