Parents' Handbook 2020/21

week of the Easter holidays so this should be kept clear by all members of the Contingent. There is an initial charge to cover boots and tee shirts, and thereafter a termly subscription. The cost of camps is heavily subsidised. Details of charges are available from the Contingent Commander. Boys wishing to join the CCF are given a detailed set of joining instructions via the New Parent Mailing and a copy of these instructions is also available on the CCF page of the school website. Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme A group of boys work towards bronze, silver or gold medals in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, which is designed to develop self-reliance, dedication in acquiring skills, a sense of social and community spirit, a taste for adventure and physical fitness. Small charges are made for enrolment and expeditions are charged in addition to this. Voluntary Service The School has a contingent of volunteers, who give service in the local community to elderly people and in local schools. Boys may join the Voluntary Service Unit at the end of the Third Year or at any later stage. Expeditions The School organises a wide variety of expeditions, to places within the British Isles and abroad, with a view to supplementing the teaching activity, and broadening a boy’s experience. When attendance on such an expedition is compulsory, charges will be made on the school bill, or by special arrangement with the parents concerned. Your son should consult you before putting his name down for any voluntary expedition. In cases of financial hardship, where a boy might be prevented from going on an expedition that could be educationally of great importance to him, certain discretionary grants for aid may be available on direct application made by parents to the Headmaster. Music We encourage all new boys to consider learning a musical instrument or taking singing lessons at school. Normal arrangements provide for 11 half-hour individual lessons each term, taken once a week; in long terms, extra lessons may be available. Details of charges are available from the Director of Music. All charges connected with music tuition are made in advance by the teacher concerned. A full term’s notice is required for lessons to be terminated; such notice must be given in writing to the Director of Music and a term’s fees may be charged in lieu. CCF The Combined Cadet Force currently operates both Army and RAF sections and offers a full range of activities. It makes a valuable contribution to a boy’s education, and parents should consider their sons joining in the Third Year. The annual camps for RAF and Army Sections are held close to the beginning of the summer holiday. The main camp for the year is in the first 13