Parents' Handbook 2020/21

Approach The Other Half Activities booklet describes the philosophy which animates our approach to the boys’ activities. We expect them to take the fullest possible part in all out-of-school activities. Of course we are happy that a boy should continue to help others by membership of local groups, but the boy who confines his attendance to taught periods is missing many of the best things this school can offer. We refer to non-timetabled activities as the ‘Other Half’ of the curriculum, and urge parents to give their utmost support to this part of their son’s education. Dayboys are welcome to take their evening meals in the school providing this is arranged in advance through their tutor. A small charge will be made. Sport The school policy on boys’ sporting commitments is set out in the Homework Diary and on Firefly, the school’s virtual learning environment. All boys who are medically fit are expected to play school sport at least twice a week, in proper kit, as a normal part of their education. Requests for leave ‘off games’ on any occasion will only be granted if supported by a note from parents, brought beforehand. We assume, in the absence of written instructions to the contrary, that every boy has parental permission to use the swimming pool, under proper supervision. Abingdon has a strong tradition of participating in interschool fixtures and we have a comprehensive fixture list for all the major school sports across all age ranges. For matters relating to absence from fixtures please refer to that section of the Handbook. Responsibility for the purchase of sports kit and equipment (such as tennis racquets or golf clubs) is the responsibility of the individual, and all items must be clearly marked with the owner’s name. Sport is provided as part of our service to our pupils. In certain sports, for example rowing, specialist equipment and/or coaching results in small additional charges. Sports offered include rugby, hockey, rowing, cricket, tennis, cross-country running, fencing, athletics, basketball, squash, swimming, karate, soccer, sailing, badminton, golf and shooting. It should be noted that it is, in general, against school policy that a boy should concentrate on any particular sport, to the exclusion of others, during all three terms of the year. Service Activities It is considered important that every boy should undertake a period of service-type activity during his time at Abingdon School, and it is therefore a requirement that all boys should at some stage pass through one of the following units or organisations: the CCF, an accredited First Aid course, the Voluntary Service Unit, the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme, the Amey Theatre technical crews, the library team, the Abingdonian editorial team, or an agreed equivalent organisation. There is a compulsory service activity for third year boys on Tuesdays from 4.00pm until 5.00pm. Societies All boys are encouraged to join one or more of the officially sponsored societies of the School. Certain societies may be given permission to levy personal subscriptions. The Other Half 12