Abingdon School Prospectus 2018

9 Buses arrive Boys in School and meet with their tutors Assembly or Chapel Period 1: Lessons for all Period 2: Lessons for all Break – an opportunity to relax with friends, visit the Café, house rooms, library etc Period 3: Lessons for all Period 4: Lunch / Other Half activities / tutorial / assembly for some, lessons for others Period 5: Lunch / Other Half activities / tutorial / assembly for all on some days Period 6: Lunch / Other Half activities / assembly for some, lessons for others Period 7: Lessons for all (except Wednesdays when after school activities take place for all) Buses depart Period 8: After school activities 5.20pm 4.00 – 5.15pm 3.00 – 3.55pm 2.00 – 2.55pm 1.10 – 1.55pm 11.10 – 12.05pm 10.45 – 11.05am 9.55 – 10.45am 9.00 – 9.50am 8.45am 8.35am 12.10 – 13.05pm We shape the timetable to get the right balance. Timings do vary across year groups and from day to day. The School day