Abingdon School Prospectus 2018

Facts and Figures 2018/19 During a formative time of exploration and discovery, Art, Design and Technology offers a significant opportunity for students to evaluate and express their thoughts, questions, feelings and observations. In both timetabled lessons and Other Half activities, boys are encouraged to develop their creativity and design ideas through a variety of media – from painting and printmaking to ceramics, digital design, sculpture and woodwork. Our Art department houses a number of large studios, workshops and classrooms, each equipped for general Art, Design and Technology but also with specialist facilities, including a wide range of professional-standard machinery. And our highly- skilled staff – practising artists in their own right – strike a balance between helping the boys to master key skills and techniques and encouraging them to develop their imaginations and their ability to visually communicate ideas and meaning. Regardless of age or ability, we find that the creative arts improve our boys’ self-discipline, develop their lateral thinking skills and spark creativity and innovation across their studies. Creative Arts