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April 2012
Not ‘if only’ but, “if you can meet with
triumph and disaster and treat those two
imposters just the same” as the 1st XV
had to when, despite coming from 14-0
down to equalise at 17-17, Abingdon
lost to Dulwich College in the quarter
final of the Daily Mail Cup because they
were the home side and these are the
rules. Dulwich College went on to beat
St Joseph’s School, Ipswich in the semi
finals and to win the trophy by defeating
Old Swinford Hospital School in the
finals on 4 April.
Five days training at OA Philip Hatzis’s
Training Harder
camp in Portugal in the
New Year gave the cross-country squad
a competitive edge this season. Fourth at
the Knole Run, they swept the board at the
County Championships, winning the U19s –
Alistair Duff and Stuart Jones taking first and
second places, the U17s – Thomas Kelly
taking first place, and the U15s – Nat Jones
and Michael Fabes crossing the line in first
and second place respectively. At the Wellington Relays, the senior team beat the rest
of the competition – 11 other schools – by nearly 3 minutes, and at the Tortoise Relays in
Christ Church Meadow, Thomas Kelly and Alistair Duff took first and second place in the
senior relay, recording the fastest and second fastest lap times; Michael Fabes and Nat
Jones took first and second in the intermediates.
A total of ten boys graded to higher kyus as
a result of the karate termly grading at the
end of term. Two boys, Austin Andrews and
Jeremy Lyons, graded to 5 kyus and are
now entitled to wear purple belts.
Football Report
After an absence of 90 years, football has
returned this term as a major sport. The
season saw more losses than wins for all the
teams, but there were some good matches
and some close scores.
2nd XI v St Edward’s
RYA Day Skippers
Richard Matthews, Tom Pugh, James Tracey
and Sam Hughes have recently qualified
as RYA Day Skippers following a five-day
continuous assessment exam in the waters
off the coast of Cornwall. This means that
they are now able to charter yachts in the
UK and the Mediterranean.