ASiP Newsletter Spring 2020

9 Abingdon School in Partnership Language Leaders A group of middle school students was trained to deliver lessons on their chosen topic in a particular language in some of our partner primary schools. “My friend and I, feeling really quite nervous, were shown into a primary school classroom of Year 5 and 6 pupils. We had been attending the Other Half Language Leader programme for sixth months, and had been planning and creating resources for a Spanish lesson on our chosen topic — Sport. Overall, it was a very rewarding and enjoyable morning and the programme has given me a better understanding of the work that goes on to prepare and give lessons. I am really hoping to do it again.” ~ Fourth Year Student, Abingdon Primary School Liaison Mini Olympics The Sports Department welcomed seven local primary schools for our annual Mini Olympics event. Teams from Appleton, Buckland, Long Furlong, Longworth, Long Wittenham, St Nicolas and reigning champions Thameside enjoyed a fun morning of relay races, bouldering, rowing ergos and an obstacle course. The Year 5 boys and girls enjoyed themselves as they valiantly competed for the trophy and the winners were Buckland School. Humanities morning In the inaugural ASiP Humanities morning, Year 4 pupils were fascinated by lessons and workshops on Judaism, philosophy, geology, Tudor food, Roman soldiers and studying landmarks using the computers in the GIS suite. “The classes were engaging and interactive and each subject area extended children’s learning well without being too far beyond their understanding.“ ~ Teacher, Sunningwell Primary School