ASiP Newsletter Spring 2020

7 Abingdon School in Partnership Academic Mentoring English Sixty Year 11 and sixth form pupils from Abingdon, Larkmead, Fitzharrys and John Mason came together for English mentoring lessons to study a variety of topics ranging from descriptive composition to speech writing. The sixth form mentors plan and deliver lessons to GCSE pupils, helping the Year 11s to prepare for their mock exams whilst also consolidating their own knowledge. As an exciting addition to this project we are using the software of ImpactEd (https:// to measure the impact of this project on the Year 11 and sixth form students in terms of a selection of competencies such as growth mindset, grit, self-efficacy and motivation. The results will then be used to improve the programme moving forward. ~ Robin Southwell-Sander Maths Fifty pupils from Abingdon School, Fitzharrys, John Mason, and Larkmead matched wits in a local version of the Team Maths Challenge. After some initial training sessions, Year 12 students taught problem-solving skills, and mentored mixed teams of Year 8s and 9s as they competed to solve perplexing mathematical puzzles against the clock. The Year 12s gained a deeper understanding of problem-solving strategies through teaching themselves, while the Year 8s and 9s worked together and learnt from each other. ~ Jason Taylor Abingdon Maths Teacher “My sincerest congratulations to you on a very worthwhile and engaging initiative. I greatly look forward to the next one!” ~ Teacher, Fitzharrys School “The partnership scheme has helped me develop clear communication and organisation skills. I would definitely recommend it to others both because of how enjoyable it was and the skills it teaches you.” ~ Sixth Form Student, Abingdon