Abingdon News No.53

www.abingdon.org.uk 3 Abingdon News Inspiring adventures Lower school boys were enthralled by a talk from serial adventurer James Ketchell. James, who has rowed the Atlantic, climbed Mount Everest and cycled all the way round the world, has recently returned from his latest expedition - circumnavigating the globe in a gyrocopter! A fresh season of the Abingdon Science Partnership Primary Science Club started with a bang as pupils from several partner primary schools investigated energy stores and transfers under the direction of a team of Science Ambassadors. Diamond Light Source collaboration Three upper sixth physicists gave a Friday Physics Lecture describing the work they have done on the analysis of data from an experiment run at the Diamond Light Source by a team from Imperial College. The upper sixth formers were given the opportunity to work with the data set as a result of a collaboration with The Institute for Research in Schools (IRIS). The boys described the theoretical idea of the Breit- Wheeler effect, where high energy photons collide to produce an electron-positron pair. Primary Science Club Lower school boys enjoyed the opportunity to share a piece of work that they are particularly proud of with their classmates and tutor. Lower School Work Exhibition In the second MUN conference to be held at Abingdon, over 80 delegates from five local schools took part in six hours of high quality debate, ranging from the regulation of intercontinental ballistic missiles to Martian colonization. Local MP, Layla Moran, closed the conference. AbingMUN20