Abingdon News No.53

20 April 2020 This term it has been a pleasure to welcome several inspirational speakers to Abingdon. Natasha Devon MBE spoke to both students and parents about the importance of talking, opening up and getting help, advice and support when we are going through a difficult patch. She stressed the point that this was a sign of strength, not weakness. James Shone’s talk encouraged parents to help their children to look up, to look forward and to look outwards (as opposed to looking downwards, backwards and inwards). This presentation was made even more powerful as James shared his own life story of his ongoing recovery from a very large brain tumour. Sabina Gray courageously shared with students her own story of sliding into a life of drug misuse, which involved time in prison and subsequent rehabilitation. It was great to see so many questions being asked by the boys and it brought home the important message of making sensible choices in this area. All three speakers talked about their own personal struggles and they all offered hope in one way or another, these life events do not have to define us; there is hope and a brighter future. We were reminded to look up, forwards and outwards and not bottle things up, but reach out for help, advice and support when we are going through a difficult chapter in our lives. Rev’d Paul Gooding, Head of Wellbeing. Talking and asking for help - a sign of strength Follow us on Twitter @Ab_Wellbeing Ringing the Bells Members of the Bellringing Club enjoyed their annual outing ringing the bells at Cholsey, South Stoke, Goring and Streatley churches. All the boys made excellent progress over the course of the day and were able to develop their skills, with several ringing plain hunt on 7 for the first time. Thanks go to those ringers from St Helen’s church in Abingdon who joined us for the day.