Abingdon News No. 52
www.abingdon.org.uk 11 Abingdon News Exploring Pythagoras The Third Year explored a very different introduction to the Pythagorean Theorem. Using only a grid on the carpet and some string (and a little direction) they interpreted the key aspects in their own words. The Lower School enjoyed exploring tree-house designs in their art workshop Royal Society Student Conference The Abingdon Science Partnership’s Royal Society Partnership Grant project on badgers was presented at the annual student conference by a combined team from Abingdon and Fitzharrys Schools. Accompanied by our research partner, Tanesha Allen of Oxford University’s Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, the students spent the day engaging with visitors, presenting their project formally and explaining it to distinguished visitors, including many Fellows of the Royal Society. Lower school boys explored the statues in the Cast Gallery at the Ashmolean Museum and visited the excellent “Last Supper in Pompeii” exhibition. Many of the objects in the exhibition were on view for the first time outside Italy. Last Supper in Pompeii Sixth former Charlie Atkinson was selected for the England Rugby U18s tour of South Africa this summer. Charlie who is also part of the Wasps Academy played three matches against Argentina, France and South Africa Schools. England Rugby U18s Tour Selection Congratulations to the middle school team who won second prize at the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Top of the Bench poster competition at the University of Oxford Chemistry Department. They enjoyed an interesting afternoon of experimental work in the undergraduate laboratories. Top of the Bench
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