Abingdon News No.50

www.abingdon.org.uk 21 What inspired you to take on the co-chair roles? KH The previous chair, Kerensa, and fortunately she still has a son at the school so is still supporting us whenever we need to be pointed in the right direction! JS As my husband has taken on a lot of voluntary roles, including school parent associations, I thought it was finally my turn as we enter the last three years of having any children at school. How does the shared role work between you? KH Jacqui and I work in a very similar way but we do try to split responsibilities, for example, Jacqui looks after the Classlist link whereas I tend to coordinate the events. The critical things are regular and prompt communication between the two of us and the fact that we get on really well! JS I would agree entirely with Karen’s response and the fact that we knew we both worked in quite a similar way. It is incredible how many times she will make a suggestion and I 100% agree with her view (and it works vice versa too!) How do you juggle the role as working mums? KH Having a joint role means that we can flex the workload between us. Our main aim is to involve the rest of the committee and as many parent volunteers as possible so that many people are doing a little bit rather than responsibility falling on the shoulders of just a few. JS Sharing the role makes it workable but there are peaks and troughs. I started a new job working in Leeds a week before our 80’s night and Karen’s support made this not quite as impossible as it might have been! What are your hopes for ASPA during your time as co-chair? KH ASPA has been so successful at connecting Abingdon parents and supporting the school that we want to continue to achieve these aims but to move forward with new systems. For example, Classlist means parents can contact one another directly and hopefully improve our communication methods. JS We’re just starting to hear more about a new initiative at Abingdon School, the Partnership Programme. This looks as though it may offer some really interesting opportunities for our future events to help fund the initiative. Primarily, we exist to support social contact between parents, and fundraising is only part of our remit, but I hope that parents will really get behind the new funding opportunities that will open up. How can other parents get involved? KH We would love to hear from anyone who would like to get involved either within the committee or on an event specific basis. JS One of my favourite quotes is, “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.” It is so often the case that those that volunteer to help at ASPA events have incredibly busy lives and we really do try to spread the load so that “every little helps”. What would you say to a new (or current!) parent about ASPA (eg how it helps the school, helps them as parents)? KH Aside from connecting parents through Classlist and social events (why let the boys have all the fun!) ASPA also supports the school by donating any profits we do make back into projects that support the boys and especially the new partnership agreements where the school is able to support the local community. JS Quite often when children join secondary school, parents have established friendship groups, formed during primary school years or from work, home life etc. We have found that ASPA has helped us to forge new friendships and support during the challenging teenage years and we have had a lot of fun along the way! Abingdon Parents’ Association www.abingdon.org.uk/aspa In conversation with... Jacqui Summons (left) and Karen Hope (right) , Co-chairs of ASPA in their first year How you can help? If you’d like to help out in any way, even as a one-off, we’d love to hear from you! And if you fancy a role on the Committe, we’re also looking for a new Treasurer. Drop us a line at [email protected]